Buying Colored Contact Lenses Without a Prescription
Buying Colored Contact Lenses Without a Prescription
While the FDA regulates the sale of these contact lenses, there are still many risks involved with purchasing them without a prescription. While some disreputable vendors may sell them as fashion accessories or beauty products, this is not true. Before you purchase any type of contact lens, you should get a prescription from your optometrist. The proper prescription and sizing will ensure a safe and comfortable fit. This will help you get the most out of your contact lenses. You should consult an eye doctor before purchasing any type of contact lens, as well as the strength of the lenses. This korean circle lenses AU will ensure that your contacts fit properly and are the correct prescription. If any problems arise, your doctor can adjust them to make them fit properly. After purchasing your contacts, you should wear them for two weeks before a month to avoid complications. A month is the maximum recommended duration for wearing colored contacts. A few tips to remember include the need to replace your contacts, as well as the precautions to be taken before they are replaced. Taking good care of your colored contacts is essential for your eye's health. Similarly to regular contacts, they require thorough cleaning to prevent any infection. To prevent infections, you should remove your contacts before you sleep or take a shower. Also, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before handling any colored contacts. If possible, always use contact solution designed for contact lenses. If you don't want to risk your vision, don't go swimming or use hot tubs.